23 November 2010

i can't get it!

I will never understand anything about relationships!

how come we always look for love if we know we'll never be able to keep it for long?
why do we always make sure that the person we're interested in is so in love with us and could do anything to make us happy, when we're not ready to do the same for him?
why do we get jealous, get angry, and fight with our partner if it's supposed to be all about understanding and caring?

we can't stay alone for long, and we can't be in a relationship for long too!
so should we be falling in love and then breaking our heart all over again and again,or should we simply... I don't know... maybe don't think about it?


  1. You just started on that trail asking the standard questions, and that's good :) As long as you have the curiosity to ask the questions it is sure that you will be working on getting answers or searching for them.
    Welcome to life :)

  2. Jess... I can't get it too!

    Everything is so weird and complicated with love relationships. Just like "wishing for rain when you're on the beach and for sun when its raining", we sometimes wish for companionship when we're lonely and for independence when we're committed in a relationship. We also fight, get jealous and feel constantly uncomfortable in the relationship maybe because what we expect from this love is elusive or simply doesn't exist.

    I always thought that there should be a person with whom you can fit intellectually and emotionally and at some point have a relatively stable and enjoyable relationship. But this never happened to me at least:P. Not thinking about it is not a solution, I think, because the problem is with emotions, hormones, uncontrollable pulses... not with thinking. Maybe thinking about it is a better solution because it can sometimes save us from falling :)

    Moreover, maybe yes, we should be falling in love and breaking our heart all over again and again (with a hope to find a suitable partner) because otherwise life would be so dull, unmotivating and loses a great amount of its day to day purpose
