21 August 2010

who's right? ha?

they say : "إذا ما كبرت ما بتصغر "

i say: once it's "big" it can't be "small" again!


  1. I think generalization is a fallacy. Both are right and wrong!

    Some call it the "sweeping generalization" fallacy. Humans have a talent of generalizing. Every case has to be treated on its own BECAUSE there are many factors that interplay in every situation and every little factor (even those that are very hard to notice) could make a major change in the result.

    So many things go big then become smaller because of the countable examples you have put in mind. The saying u mentioned in Arabic is also putting other examples in account. I'll give an example of this fallacy:
    "If you throw it, it falls"... it is true as long as you're on earth, not in space where "it stands still".

    another example is "the gambler's fallacy"(psychological behavior) opposing the "Ludic fallacy" (in the Black Swan by Nassim Taleb)!!!(Check them out
    what's that?!?! a fallacy fallacy!

    We know by mathematical procedures that induction is not a habit but a sequence of analyses where life experiences are too complicated to be generalised

  2. You say: "if u want the fruits to fall down u have to give the tree a shake!"

    I say:"if u want the fruits to FLOAT independently IN SPACE u have to give the tree a shake!" :)
