28 August 2010

ambitions... define that!

they feel proud to talk about ambitions!

"he's such a brilliant man,he followed his ambitions...
she's such a smart girl, she has ambitions...
ill do anything, pay any price, to achieve my ambitions..."

yea yea yea..
well that's nothing but talking shit!

when someone says he has ambitions, he's actually saying:
"i am selfish, i have such a big ego to feed, i want to have a successful career just to make lots of money, just to have everybody else looking up at me, to be the best just to be the best"

hell that has nothing to do with ambitions.

let's talk about ambitions when we want to do "THE BEST TO" the world, not when we want to be "THE BEST IN" the world!

let's be the best in trying to make this fucking unfair world a better place to live in!
far from everyone's ego and selfishness!


  1. You sure have a point of view somewhere but I think the principle of ambition isn't our "Lebanese ambition".
    Generally ambition is defined by:
    "a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring DETERMINATION and HARD WORK" (Oxford American Dictionaries)
    I don't see any selfishness in this, however, your post might be dealing with "Lebanese Ambition" one for which determination and hard work are often secondary tools and with primary tools like "wasta, tozbita, ma7talé, and all the package" :)

  2. wossletlak el fekra 100% samah!
    its true i am talkin about "lebanese ambition"
    " bed3as 3a ghayre la 2oussal" bullshit!

    hopin ykoun ba3ed fi 3alam wiz true DETERMINATION and HARD WORK! :)

  3. Two points i may add:

    - Ambition goes along whether extrinsic or intrinsic. the first is one that uses external factors and any, often cheap, means to an end. Intrinsic use authentic internal factors which is elaborated by the motivated person. Lebanon has extrinsic motivation everywhere because of culture and educational system (grades> sucess = money> happiness). We have to see that self interest is not equivalent to happiness: but purpose is:

    -Ego is not as bad as u mentioned but it has to be well invested. Being aware that "I" and "Us" is the same. independence transforms to interdependence then the Ego is enlarged. this is Empathy. We have to build an empathic civilization:

    Enjoy :)

  4. Ambition is the desire for personal achievement. It provides the motivation and determination necessary to help give direction to life. Ambitious people seek to be the best at what they choose to do.

    extremely ambitious people can either make your so named unfair fucking world a better or a worse place.

    take as an example the ambition to become famous:
    1- by beeing a terrorist and making a hudge explosion, or beeing a shitty slot singer or or or...
    2-being too humble like mother theresa may lead to the same result also!

    In any case, there is this personal satisfaction that is fed once we achieve the set goal,( using our ambition), and independent from the impact on the world, this selfishness is always consumes us especially as we sleep...
